Hello glowy girls,
I often meet people who asked
me how I was able to manage my daily life. Between my job, household, laundry,
etc, etc, it's true that there are what get dizzy!
To all I say: I organize
Thanks to the Organization of
daily life, my professional and personal projects without feeling overloaded?
Because I have had problems of
overwork, I long left behind the workload. I even got into trouble for health
because of that.
Organizing your daily schedule
is something that you know needs to be done, but where exactly does one start?
A lot of people see time
management as a super-power!
But effectively organizing your daily schedule at work is simple if you have a plan, and it’s a skill that anyone can learn.
These are the three good
habits that help me while organizing my daily schedule:
1 - I take time to organize my week before it begins

I spend one hour on Sunday
evening or on my way into work Monday morning setting up your week.
Many career professionals
suggest mapping out your week on a Friday before the weekend, but I find this
to be a bit unrealistic.
Most of us can’t wait to end our week and
enjoy some relaxation over the weekend!
To make your planning session
something to look forward to, have a cup of tea on Sunday evening as your
reward for preparing yourself for a successful week ahead.
2 - I developed small habits of tidying up which
became automatic
Consistency is critical if you
want to make a habit stick, so Make it Daily.
If you want to start
exercising, go to the gym every day for your first thirty days.
Going a couple times a week
will make it harder to form the habit.
Activities you do once every
few days are trickier to lock in as habits.
Don’t expect all your attempts
to change habits to be successful immediately.
3 - Start with Something Big
Many people waste the first
hour or two of their day on “busy work” (checking email, surfing the web,
opening mail, etc.) instead of creating a daily schedule.
It’s easy for these kinds of
“easy” to activities suck up your time, leaving you feeling as though you’ve
wasted the entire morning.
Pick one big task to tackle as soon as you
get to the office.
It should be something that
you've been procrastinating on, that has an approaching deadline, or that has
simply been hanging over your head.
Get it out of the way first
thing, before you do anything else
and even if you don’t accomplish anything else, you will still have had a
productive day!
Now, my organization at home
allows me to be more efficient and much more serene.
Before, I waited for Saturday
to do a great cleaning. In the end, our Saturday was spent in the tasks and on
Sunday we are often with family so the weekend was flying like lightning,
without a chance to relax a bit.
Now, my Saturdays are nicer
and I live in a house pleasant. I have time for my family at night and on
weekends and for my projects the week.
All because I take the time to
organize my week, and I put all my tips into practice.
So, what are you waiting for to organize
your life?
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